the day the Just War tradition died
generations of ethical thought overthrown with a single tweet
Traditionally, the United States has followed (or at least aimed to follow) the principles of the Just War tradition. We have used these guiding principles to bring focus and restraint to our warfighting through the years. Of course, there are specific instances of when we have failed to follow them--firebombing German cities, dropping . . .
Posted in: chaplaincypoliticstheologywar
on holy innocents: King Herod and Uncle Sam
Today the church remembers and honors the Holy Innocents: the male toddlers slaughtered by King Herod in his attempt to kill Jesus, the newborn king who threatened Herod politically (or so he thought) by his mere existence.
As recorded by St. Matthew:
Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, . . .
Evangelicals, transgender, war, and sin
we're barking up the wrong tree
Today the President tweeted that "the United States Government will not accept or allow… Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.” As expected, response from Evangelical Christians has been swift and overwhelmingly supportive. Our fixation with sexual sins continues to take the forefront of almost . . .
the war prayer
NOTE: Being asked to give the invocation for our wing’s 100th anniversary later this summer and thinking about the dissonance between many Christian chaplains’ prayers and the teachings of Scripture led me back to this classic by Mr. Twain. It is pointed, sarcastic, and wonderfully still as relevant today as when it was penned.
. . .Posted in: chaplaincymilitaryprayertheologywar
on chaplains and their prayers
what are we praying for and why?
One of the most memorable scenes in the move Patton is when General Patton summons his chaplain, Fr. James O'Neill, and orders him to write a prayer for good weather just before the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Chaplain O'Neill wrote the following, now-famous, words:
Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly . . .
Posted in: chaplaincymilitaryprayertheologywar
why nude Marines shouldn't shock us
offensive and immoral? yes. surprising? no.
While many people were shocked last week at the revelation of a widely-popular nude photo sharing Facebook group run by Marines, I can't say that this news surprised me even a little bit. General Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps, is rightly upset. I have no doubt there will be investigations performed and punishment doled out, but . . .
Posted in: chaplaincymilitarywar
Just War is dead
on the untimely demise of ethics in American warfare
Yesterday, shortly after the announcement that President Obama was going to commute the sentence of PFC Manning, Senator and retired Air Force Judge Advocate Lindsey Graham tweeted the following quote:
About the same time, Senator and former . . .