parenting is hard
helpless, powerless, but filled with hope
Over this Christmas break, I had a stark realization: parenting is hard.
This Christmas was unlike any other we have celebrated as a family. Our youngest, adopted from Ethiopia after over a year of abuse in a state-run orphanage, is currently living in a therapeutic foster home because of nearly four years of violence against the . . .
RAD children and cats
they have a whole lot more in common than you think
Relationships with cats are peculiar things. They tend to want affection but only on their own terms. Sometimes they come close enough for you to pet—but you can’t force them into closeness. Sometimes they want to snuggle with you—but invariably a touch or a movement will trigger something in them, and they’ll freak out, scratch you, and run . . .
Posted in: adoption
RADical adoption: talking through the past
loving children who don't love back
"Maybe I feel like I do because I have brain damage!
"Maybe you feel like you do because you're a teenage girl who won't ever talk about how she's feeling.
"Talking doesn't help!"
"For people who have suffered a lot of horrible things in their past talking is usually one of . . .
Posted in: adoption
RADical adoption
loving children who don't love back
Adoption is one of the biggest blessings you will ever encounter in your life. Three of our four children are adopted. It has been a joy and a treasure to watch them become part of a family where they are loved--to grow and flourish like no one thought possible. It warms my heart, and I wouldn't change a thing.
Adoption . . .
Posted in: adoption