simply, Christian

"Evangelical and Apostolic Faith" (link)

From Abbot Tryphon, an orthodox monk (the emphases are mine):

The Church may seem to be a backward looking institution, irrelevant for our times, a view that has caused many of the denominations to alter basic foundational teachings in order to please a more liberally leaning society. This has led numerous of the denominations . . .

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Posted in: culturetheology

April 12, 2021

reflections on American politics

still looking for God in all the wrong places

Since the horrific events of last Wednesday played out, I have wrestled with how to make sense of them and what to write about them. Instead of writing in the heat of the moment, which would've been anything but thoughtful, I wanted to heed the biblical command to 'be swift to hear [and] slow to speak' (James 1.19). Though I am . . .

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January 09, 2021

why I don't stand when veterans are recognized

some thoughts on vocation

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This post will make some of you upset. It's okay. Despite how most of our society handles itself online, we're able to disagree about things.

Last week, my family and I were at two separate events where veterans were asked to stand and be recognized. Neither of these events was associated with the military or any . . .

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December 15, 2020

Romans 1 speaks to ALL of us

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Evangelicals and political conservatives are quick to use Romans 1 as a proof-text against the sin of homosexuality. While this chapter speaks plainly that homosexuality is sinful and a result of mankind's willful disregard of God from natural revelation, it is much more than simply a proof text against this pet sin of . . .

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February 20, 2020

no, Virginia, there is no repentance after death

commentary on heresy in our local parish

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It is the practice of our current pastor to occasionally replace his sermon with the faith testimony of one of the members of our congregation. While we could debate the appropriateness of having only a testimony and not a homily during formal worship, I understand and appreciate his intent--fostering community by building . . .

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January 29, 2020

what I learned as a father from the Astros cheating scandal

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When we moved to Houston over a decade ago, my lifelong baseball allegiance to the Cubs was challenged. As much as I wanted to cheer for the hometown team--who were as big a losers as the Cubs during that time--I couldn't entirely get on board. It got easier when the Astros moved to the American League. After all, what were the . . .

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Posted in: culturelife

January 22, 2020

on constant chatter (quote)

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I avoid public gatherings as much as possible, for the discussion of worldly affairs so quickly snares and encumbers the soul.…Why is it that we are so ready to chatter and gossip with others, when we so seldom return to silence without some injury to our conscience? Perhaps the reason we are so fond of talking is that we think . . .

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April 12, 2018


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