Evangelicals, transgender, war, and sin
we're barking up the wrong tree
Today the President tweeted that "the United States Government will not accept or allow… Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.” As expected, response from Evangelical Christians has been swift and overwhelmingly supportive. Our fixation with sexual sins continues to take the forefront of almost . . .
Just War is dead
on the untimely demise of ethics in American warfare
Yesterday, shortly after the announcement that President Obama was going to commute the sentence of PFC Manning, Senator and retired Air Force Judge Advocate Lindsey Graham tweeted the following quote:
About the same time, Senator and former . . .
Army cultural cowardice
the tragic discharge of Sgt. First Class Charles Martland
De oppresso liber
The motto of the U.S. Army Special Forces (aka. the "Green Berets") is legendary. Historically, this has been understood as meaning "to free from oppression." Unfortunately, the DoD and Army have decided that freeing the oppressed and doing what is right is not as important as tolerating . . .
Posted in: afghanistanethics