Jesus Finally Showed Up! (BCC Week 2)
Finally after over a week at the Chaplains' Course (all Protestant Christians, remember), Jesus showed up! After a very frustrating first week at BCC, where Christ was all but absent and any mention of his name brought strange silence, by his grace he broke into our class in a very unexpected counseling classes! Call me a . . .
Ascension Day and Evangelical Anti-Traditionalism
Happy Ascension Day!
"Um, what?" you might ask. Ascension day, of course, is the celebration of Jesus' ascension into heaven forty days after his resurrection (cf. Luke 24.50-53 and Acts 1.6-11). I wonder how many Evangelicals celebrated this great event today? I wonder, in all honesty, how many of us have ever heard . . .
Strange Land of the Chaplaincy (BCC Week 1)
The chaplaincy is a strange land, strange indeed.
It is no secret that the rank and file of the U.S. military is a conservative bunch that finds itself definitely on the right side of the spectrum of politics, society, and religion. Consequently, one would expect military chaplains to largely be conservative types as well, but that . . .
Atlantis 'Go' for Rollout
According to, "After Friday's rollout review meeting, NASA officials announced that repairs on the external tank on Space Shuttle Atlantis have been completed. The vehicle is scheduled to roll out to the launch pad on Wednesday, May 16 with first motion at 4 a.m. EDT."
It's neither my mission nor my orbiter . . .
A Famine in the Land...Reflections on Evangelicalism
As a part of our Basic Chaplains' Course, chaplains are exposed to different worship services outside of our primarily Evangelical traditions. This week, for example, we participated in two services that were very far from contemporary American Evangelicalism--we attended Catholic daily mass and an Eastern Orthodox divine worship service. . . .
"Off We Go..."
\Well, the time has come to depart for Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL, and begin the Air Force Basic Chaplains' Course, my first Air Force formal school since my 1997 stint at Shepherd AFB, TX for the Aircraft Maintenance Officers' Course. On Monday, we'll officially kick off day one of BCC 07B.
The course promises to be . . .
"Episcopalian" and "Discernment"...Together?
Remember back in the late summer of 2004 when then-Governor James McGreevey of New Jersey resigned in the midst of controversy surrounding his homosexual affair with the man he hired as the Homeland Security Adviser for the state of New Jersey? Despite the fact that his 'coming out' was celebrated by the left as a bold move of . . .