\Well, the time has come to depart for Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL, and begin the Air Force Basic Chaplains' Course, my first Air Force formal school since my 1997 stint at Shepherd AFB, TX for the Aircraft Maintenance Officers' Course. On Monday, we'll officially kick off day one of BCC 07B.
The course promises to be interesting, if nothing else. It will be the first time since the Academy where I'll have the joy of participating in mandatory unit PT. The website at Maxwell AFB has this exciting picture posted from back in the 1940's when it was a pilot training base...
...somehow I figure it will be a little more laid back than this!
The Chaplain Service Institute (yes, it's really called CSI) is not inside the 'academic circle' at Maxwell, which is too bad, because it's really a pretty historic piece of Air Force real estate. Built in the 1950's, it has lots of steel and concrete construction and a similar feel to USAFA.
The Maxwell history site says, "Characteristic of the Cold War period, underground tunnels connected the main campus buildings and served as a command post, an alternate HQ USAF, and as a bomb shelter." This makes it sound even more like the Academy (for those tunnel rats who may have ventured into the underworld at USAFA). Maybe a little 'spirit mission' is in order for BCC 07B...hopefully it will fly better than last time!