Learning Theology from St. Timothy
We read in the New Testament...
I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. (Phil 4.11-12, ESV)
This passage is no doubt familiar to all Christians, . . .
St. Timothy
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Pop-theology = Salvation by Works?
A couple of days ago I got this email from a beloved family member, who forwarded it in good faith that I would enjoy reading it. Well, I read it, was amused by it, figured it probably wasn't true, and deleted it. After a few seconds of reflection I recovered it from my trash. Now, I didn't recover it because I suddenly decided to . . .
What I love about Lutheranism
As much as I struggle with whether or not I resonate more with Lutheran or Reformed theology, there is at least one area where I identify with Lutherans wholeheartedly and unashamedly...a clearly Christ and cross-centered approach to everything. Reformed folks are great at pondering the invisible, hidden, sovereign majesty of God, which . . .
Thoughts on Two Services: Part 2-Unity
Just about everyone gets emotionally charged up about 'style' in our discussions of worship, especially when discussing the possibility of going to multiple services, each with a different style. After almost ten years of having these discussions, I really can't get too fired up about questions of style...I freely admit that . . .
Thoughts on Two Services: Part 1-Style
Well, I suppose it was inevitable...our church is having discussions on worship style and the feasibility of splitting into "two services, one church." As one who has seen firsthand what this move yields, regardless of the motivation, I'm totally against it for a number of reasons. The bottom line is simply this, no matter how . . .
Amusement (30 July)
NASA is in trouble again, this time for flying drunk astronauts on the Shuttle and/or the Russian Soyuz. Seems like every time I leave town, something bad happens here...but before we get back to too much seriousness, I thought you'd enjoy Leno's hilarious take on the 'Kennedy Space Center.' Enjoy!!
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