CoD Part 2, Justifying Sinners or Sin?
Though I've read ahead in CoD by now, I cannot help but return to the first chapter again and again for Bonhoeffer's discussion of cheap versus costly grace. He wrote to address the situation of WWII Germany, but his voice heralds like a prophet to contemporary Evangelicalism. As he discusses the differences between cheap and costly . . .
Speaking About Christ
I read this today over at Steve Camp's blog...and it speaks volumes about the hip, relevant, new Evangelicalism that is little more than irreverent, ungodly, silly drivel:
"Roughly two thousand years ago, Jesus was born in a dumpy, rural, hick . . .
A Foggy Morning Illustration
This morning as I went outside, I was greeted by the first foggy morning we've had in a while. As I listed to the words of the Kyrie of one of Schubert's masses playing softly (Kyrie eleison; Christe eleison; Kyrie eleison...Lord have mercy; Christ have mercy; Lord have mercy), I was struck by what an awesome illustration I was seeing . . .
The Truth Behind Sputnik
It's better than Hollywood...
With this week marking the 50th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik, the Earth's first artificial satellite, the interesting truth behind the events of the day have finally surfaced. Not surprisingly, the Soviets were more interested in nuking the US than opening the space race. What is a . . .
As our discussions of worship continue at church amid concerns of (gasp) 'relevance' to the 'demographical makeup' of our community, things from time to time get rather heated and some levity is needed. Last night, after a time of passionate discussion with the congregation, I told our pastor with tongue firmly planted in . . .
"Cost of Discipleship" Part 1, Cheap Grace
Unlike many contemporary preachers that feel the need to start off with pithy, humorous, non-confrontational 'ice breakers,' in "Cost of Discipleship" (hereafter CoD) Bonhoeffer comes out swinging like a prize-fighter from word one. He begins with the assertion, "Cheap grace is the deadly enemy of our Church." His . . .
Bonhoeffer on Discipleship...
I had dinner with our pastor tonight (both of our wives are out of town), and while discussing his D.Min work on men's ministry in the local church we inevitably came to the topic of discipleship. "Why are men so remarkably absent in the contemporary church?" "How can we engage men and get them to dig deep into the . . .