Time to breathe
Took off work early today after putting in well over 120 hours in the past two weeks. We went to the beach and played a bit.
Got a little sand beneath our toes...and on our heads.
Built a sandcastle with my girl.
Hung out with my wife...it was good for my soul.
Back to the Grind...
With the recent Space Shuttle flight, I have not been in my office since the 23rd. For a time I traded my normal desk for a console in the Mission Control Center Mission Evaluation Room; my normal hours for those of a nocturnal beast; my normal tasks of training, long-range planning, and meetings for those of mission operations, 24-hour . . .
No content...
CoD Part 4, Obedience and Law
Note: The crew of STS-120 has finished their spacewalk activities, including a very dramatic space station solar array repair, and I can get back to normal sleeping, working, and writing schedules!
One of Bonhoeffer's most 'in your face' chapters is his chapter titled, "Single-Minded Obedience." In it he sound . . .
Go, Discovery! Go!
Go, Discovery! Go!
At 11:38 am (EDT) today the shuttle Discovery lifted off from Kennedy Space Center, Florida, and made a safe, flawless, and beautiful ascent to space. Within the next hour, the Mission Control Center in Houston, Texas, will give Discovery a ‘Go for orbital ops,’ meaning that all essential tasks to turn the . . .
CoD Part 3, Faith and Obedience
As was pointed out in my first post on Cost of Discipleship, much of what Bonhoeffer has to say deals with the apparent disconnect between our confession of Christ and our lack of obedience to the commands of Christ. Given his historical context (Nazi Germany) and the actions of so many 'Christians' in the Third Reich, it doesn't . . .
Amusement (16 Oct)
It's been a while since we've had any a-musement around here, and given the geographical distribution of my family thought this was perfect. Here is a quiz that alleges to be able to tell where you grew up based on your pronunciation of different words (i.e., your accent). HT to Sarahfor this one...it totally nailed that I'm a . . .