simply, Christian
on the will of God
"We must also ask for God’s will to be done in our personal lives. Because the Evil One tries again and again to lead us onto the wrong path, we must turn to God daily and ask him to renew our hearts. But we should pray not only for ourselves; we should pray for the whole world – for all humanity and all nations."
-- J. . . .
writing: on words
Toward the end of March I had an amazing business trip to Japan. It was my first time there, and it was wonderful. But I lost traction on my writing and still haven’t recovered.
I had a great writing streak going before Japan...ugh, why did that have to get derailed? Even though very few things made it from Writer (my writing app) to . . .
Moltmann on the cross
The symbol of the cross in the church points to the God who was crucified not between two candles on an altar, but between two thieves in the place of the skull, where the outcasts belong, outside the gates of the city. It does not invite thought, but a change of mind. It is a symbol which therefore leads out of the church and out of . . .
Kierkegaard on winning the crowd
Christ was crucified because he would have nothing to do with the crowd (even though he addressed himself to all). He did not want to form a party, an interest group, or a mass movement, but wanted to be what he was, the truth, which is related to the single individual. Therefore everyone who will genuinely serve the truth is by that . . .
why nude Marines shouldn't shock us
offensive and immoral? yes. surprising? no.
While many people were shocked last week at the revelation of a widely-popular nude photo sharing Facebook group run by Marines, I can't say that this news surprised me even a little bit. General Neller, Commandant of the Marine Corps, is rightly upset. I have no doubt there will be investigations performed and punishment doled out, but . . .
Posted in: chaplaincymilitarywar
learning theology at KFC
our sinfulness manifest over fast food
Dinner tonight was just three of us--Hana, Clark, and me--so I let the kids pick dinner. KFC made the final cut, so in we strolled. As soon as we walked in, we could tell something was wrong. Service at this particular KFC is always a bit slow, but we walked in to a small group of ladies complaining about how long they had been waiting. Up to . . .
Posted in: theology
on imperfection
Purging the soul is a lifetime effort. There is no reason to be upset by our imperfections, for perfection is nothing more than fighting against them. How can we resist them unless we see them? How can we overcome them unless we face them?
— Francis de Sales