denominational affiliation: does it matter?
what's in a name?
Those on both sides of the arguments for remaining in the UMC and disaffiliating from the UMC are asking the question, "What difference does denominational affiliation mean?"
It's an important question and one that everyone should seriously consider.
What difference does it make? What's it matter what sign . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc
loving sinners without loving (or condoning) their sin
One of the great challenges faced by anyone in a position of leadership is the constant struggle of loving people in all their brokenness without loving the things that make them broken. It is an uncomfortable position to be in. It is difficult to love people while holding them accountable for their actions. Parents, teachers, supervisors, . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc
what can we disagree on and remain together?
Last time, we saw from Scripture that division, while by no means ideal, is sometimes necessary. We must not tolerate false doctrine or sin for the sake of physical unity. But where does that leave us? What are the grounds for division? We've all heard horror stories of church splits over carpet color and other such nonsense. Is that . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc
is unity the highest good?
or do some things justify a church split?
There is a progressive/liberal group within the Texas Annual Conference called "That We May Be One." On this group's website, they say:
We see divisions within the church as hurting the witness of the biblical unity of the church that Jesus asked for and expected from us. This is why we are deeply committed to . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc
the marks of a true church
or when does a church cease to be a church?
Have you ever stopped to ask, "What makes the Church the Church?" In other words, what makes the Church unique among the countless gatherings of humanity throughout all time and around the world?
It's not just that we talk about Jesus. Sunday school classes, universities, and seminaries do that. It's not just even . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc
who is splitting the church?
dividing over one issue...not so fast
Are Methodists really dividing solely over the issue of human sexuality? As I've said before, I think the answer is a resounding 'no.' But let's assume I'm wrong. After all, it happens all the time. Let's assume that human sexuality is the only issue dividing the UMC. Which side made it the issue?
I've . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc
did God really say?
a progressive hermeneutic of doubt
hermeneutic: noun, a method or principle of interpretation, especially of the Bible
Most liberal / progressive seminaries (and even some evangelical seminaries) teach a form of biblical interpretation known as 'higher criticism.' This approach to studying the Bible, also known as the 'historical-critical method,' came . . .
Posted in: aldersgateumc