simply, Christian
lection reflection (19 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Hosea 13.9-16
In yesterday's passage (which we omitted for St. Luke's feast day readings), God beautifully reminds Israel that he alone is God and "besides me there is no savior." Yet, in spite of his gracious love toward them, Israel rebelled and followed after other nations and their practices by rejecting God as . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (18 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Today is the feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist, so we're taking a break from our regular journey through the daily lectionary for today.
Isaiah 52.7-10
In this familiar passage, quoted by St. Paul in Romans, we are taught / reminded of the beauty that comes from the proclamation of the Gospel of God's grace and . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (17 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Hosea 13.1-3
The respected and famous here led others astray when they turned away from God to idolatry. An entire nation wandered into sin based on the actions of a few influential people. Nothing has changed from then to today, has it? In our culture, we are still influenced by those in power, by celebrities, by those who get . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (16 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Note: I suffered computer problems yesterday and wasn't able to put down my thoughts on the readings, so this first reflection will be a bonus-sized one, looking at the readings from Sunday through today.
Hosea 11.1-12.14
In the midst of impending judgment for Israel's faithlessness and sinfulness, the fatherly heart . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflections -- new series
reading the bible daily with the church
This Advent, the congregation where we worship is going to start encouraging people to do their daily bible readings from the 2-year Daily Lectionary found in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer and used elsewhere in the Lutheran Book of Worship, For All the Saints, and a host of other daily office resources.
Why this . . .
Posted in: reflections