simply, Christian
lection reflection (30 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Jonah 3.1-4.11
Today we come to the main points of Jonah. This book is, after all, not primarily a fish tale--though we tend to fixate on that from the time we are children. The points of the book are the graciousness and compassion of God toward all people / nations / races and the promise of forgiveness toward those who repent of . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (29 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Jonah 1.17-2.10
In this passage, Jonah shows his faith in God in the midst of trouble. To this point, Jonah clearly believes in God but runs away from his clear calling instead of relying on God to do the task he feels ill-equipped, unable, or unwilling to do. It isn't until he has no other options, until his life bottoms out, . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (26 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Micah 6.1-8
The Lord's accusations continue against Israel as part of his complaint or lawsuit (v.2). He points out to his people, again, the good things he has done for them by redeeming them from Egyptian slavery and by sending his prophets to them with his word, which they repeatedly spurned. After these charges, however, . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (25 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Micah 5.1-15 (though the lectionary prescribes only verses 1-5 and 10-15, we should read it all!)
This chapter is a beloved prophesy of the birth of Christ in Bethlehem (v.2). The church has seen that since the very beginning, and we continue to revisit and celebrate this wonder during the season of Advent when we tend to read this . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (24 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Micah 3.9-4.5
After warning corrupt leadership, priests, and prophets again, Micah changes directions and presents us with a beautiful and comforting prophecy of the future when the nations will come to the mountain of the Lord and "will beat their swords into plows and their spears into pruning knives. Nation will not take up . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (23 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Micah 3.1-8
Today's reading contains two sobering warnings. The first warning points out the reality that God will not answer the prayers of unrepentant sinners, especially those in leadership. Pointedly the prophet accuses them of hating good and loving evil (v.2) and decrees that, though crying out to the Lord for help, . . .
Posted in: reflections
lection reflection (22 Oct 2018)
reading the bible daily with the church
Micah 2.1-13
This weekend we started reading through the minor prophet Micah--a personal favorite! Today we read of Israel's rebellion against the Lord, a recurring theme among the prophets, of course. Interestingly, in the middle of the passage, we read about the people belittling God's prophet and his message of repentance . . .
Posted in: reflections