simply, Christian
on chaplains and their prayers
what are we praying for and why?
One of the most memorable scenes in the move Patton is when General Patton summons his chaplain, Fr. James O'Neill, and orders him to write a prayer for good weather just before the beginning of the Battle of the Bulge. Chaplain O'Neill wrote the following, now-famous, words:
Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly . . .
Posted in: chaplaincymilitaryprayertheologywar
prayer for the Lenten season
O Lord Jesus Christ, innocent and spotless Lamb of God, You have suffered the shameful death on the cross for us, and would have us always remember this. We again, from our inmost hearts, thank, praise, and magnify You, that You have redeemed us poor sinners by the price of Your holy sufferings and death, and were obedient to Your . . .
on sin and boldness in prayer
Tear doubt out of your heart! Never allow doubt to hinder you from praying to God by perchance thinking to yourself, “How can I ask anything from the Lord, how can I receive anything from him since I have sinned so much against him?” Never think like this! Instead, turn to the Lord with your whole heart. Pray to him without wavering and . . .
feast day: St. Michael and all the angels
The observance of St. Michael’s day is one of the oldest in the church liturgical calendar. In the Western Lutheran and Anglican traditions, this feast day celebrates all angels on this day, not just St. Michael. In the Roman and Eastern traditions, these celebrations are split into two separate feast days.
Traditional has it that . . .
why are we so afraid?
I have written before about the fear that grips Americans, including American Christians. Our entire political process is driven by fear—of the other party, of terrorism, of threats from other nations, of (fill in the blank).
It’s nonsensical.
Regarding political parties, they have both had about equal shares of the . . .
how NOT to pray
an appalling prayer by Pastor Mark Burns
I did not watch yesterday’s coverage of the first day of the Republican National Convention. I will not watch today’s coverage or any coverage of this convention or the Democratic National Convention. I did read through some of the transcripts of various speeches and found very little that was original, inspiring, or confidence-building. Was . . .
a Thanksgiving prayer
Almighty and gracious Father, we give thee thanks for the fruits of the earth in their season and for the labors of those who harvest them. Make us, we beseech thee, faithful stewards of they great bounty, for the provision of our necessities and the relief of all who are in need, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, . . .