Here at Maxwell, week three has bit a bit like Groundhog Day. It has been a continuation of last week's counseling training focusing on marital enrichment and short-term pastoral counseling. Sure, it isn't Friday yet, but tomorrow is scheduled to wrap up two pretty intense weeks in the classroom.
That said, it has been very good, helpful training that the Air Force has invested lots of time and money into. For one to take all this training 'on the outside' would easily cost several thousand dollars...the Air Force is clearly seeing some benefit to sink all the time and money into us. The Army has been providing this training for several years, but the Air Force has only been doing do this intentionally for about the last six months. In fact, we are only the third class to go through all of this training together. While the hours have been long, hopefully we will have a chance to utilize our training in both our Air Force and civilian ministries.<!--more-->
All this time in the classroom (including lots of role playing) has probably warped our senses of humor a little bit...This may not be funny to anybody but my classmates and me, but as a group who has survived been privileged to receive two solid weeks counseling training this is pretty darn funny. We actually did watch this film one day in class, but it was as an example of how not to counsel...doesn't change the fact that it's a hoot!
This one is pretty hilarious too...can't beat Mac and PC commercials.